
Thursday, 9 May 2013

The importance of lighting

Throughout the last seven years I have learnt that light is one of the most important aspects to photography. Basically light can make or break an image, without the right light you can have the best model or landscape etc, and they could could be wearing the best designer clothing or the landscape could have the best weather possible to create a landscape but without the correctly exposed light and without the correct lighting or light source that image will be nothing. You could have the most boring subject matter but with the right lighting/ light sources you can create a truly iconic image.

These are elements which I need to undertake when shooting my portraits for this project, I feel I understand light and how it can effect a subject just by moving the light a faction.

"Before you can understand photography, you must first understand light. Even if you have the most sophisticated of cameras, and the most expensive and sharpest of lenses, without light your photographs would be impossible, and your cameras and lenses would be useless."

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