
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Camera and lens.

I used this camera over my full framed camera as I wanted to view them on my digital LCD screen on the back of the camera, and with this having a better on it would be the best choice.

I was worried that people were going to think that I pick this because of that and that I would not care about image quality because of choosing this over the full frame. But I was happy with the quality of image which would get off this anyway.

I used the Canon 50mm prime lens because of how good it is with depth and it is a stunning lens to use for portraits, I wanted a good sharp image around the eyes on the subject as this was a important element to the image.

Overall I feel my final portrait were well shot with this camera and lens and I feel I will use these again for any other portrait I do. I have got a job to do with the college, taking portraits of all the people which are finishing this year and I may try this lens out then as I didn't use it last year, but I feel this will be a good thing to review for this year portraits.

"But, it is for a fact that the best optical quality is delivered by prime lenses (fixed focal length, no zoom lenses). Why? In simple words, because they use a smaller number of glass elements inside the lens, which means lesser loss of quality, and hence better pictures."

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