Because of Asda are doing up the dot com service, Asda had planned to build a photography studio where I work at Asda Lymedale.
The management were happy for me to go to a interview with the third part creative agent called big light who had got the contact for this new service.
There was a photographers position going at the studio, and that's what I was going for, After having the details of the job and information about the company sent to me by a manager I send off my C.V.
At first I sent the C.V off and with in two hours of sending it they called me and ask for to go to a interview two days later.
I was very happy at this news because this would be making a step in the right direction for me setting a career in the industry.
After talking with my tutor about this possible new job he said the university would support me with giving me time to go and do this new job and still going to college at the night time, which was some more great news.
On the day of the interview I send in with some of my photography I did for the last project and some modelling studio work and some university work too , to show what I can do.
I felt the interview very well and they seem to be happy with what I was saying and doing with my photography and University.
Sadly I didn't get the job as the same photographer who was doing the job before for another company went for it and got it.
I feel I did everything I could in the interview and after the feedback I got back off my interview was that everything was great but I did not have any experience in product photography so thats why I didn't get it.
Sadly this is a common thing which is happening with young people getting to get jobs theses days, I am happy because I know there a lot more photography jobs out there, so I know one day I will get the experience and get the job I want.
With so many young people struggling to find work if they don’t have any experience or qualifications, it can sometimes feel like nobody is willing to take a chance on you"