
Thursday, 28 February 2013

Final Live work PDF

These are some screen shots of my final live work PDF, I am happy with the contents of this report and I am happy and was surprised with how much leadership and management I use to do the job for the clients.

I feel this is a good module as it make people and yourself understand what work goes into a job, as a lot of the time people underestimate what goes into a job and they only think that that your there to take photos.

Also I made me see where I could improve my work with different styles and different ways of working, Overall I feel that I learn a lot off this and will assess my working pattern and style after this report.

Strategic Plan for ASDA

This is my final design and fully checked Strategic Plan, I feel I learn a lot of information about the current product photography market.

I found this module a little dull due to the lack of hands on working, but I do feel that doing modules like this make you see the business side of photography.Also I feel the designs the with the colours suits the logo and the own of the George brand.

After this is been mark and I got had my feedback I will be using the feedback to improve it and I will be proposing to Asda to see if they will think and concision my options, this plan have been drafted and written with 100% of my knowledge after my research and all the figures and information is true.

I feel that Asda will look at it but I think they are set in there ways with having a creative agent in doing the photography because of what there competition is doing.

"W+K’s appointment will come as a surprise to many as the agency has no major retail experience. Its work with Nike, Honda and Nokia, however, has been lauded, suggesting it could add more creativity to the supermarket’s advertising."
"Advertising is expected feature the priorities set out by CEO Philip Clarke in his business review, such as improving service, stores and quality."

Website's for strategic planning

This website was a massive help for me when doing the strategic planning as it gave me a bigger insight to what it was all about.

I am glad I did my research on this subject as I feel I wouldn't get the best out of my module if not.

Pricing for the Strategic Plan.

When I was doing my research on Pricing for the Strategic plan I notice that there was a lot different in price for the same product, this worried me as I didn't want to get count out and something go wrong and I couldn't get my money back.

I based my research on prices in the UK and locally as I thought this would be best because of the value of some of things I was research.

I could have got this a lot cheaper in China but I didn't feel safe in getting my products or money back if there was any problems.

I feel by me doing this research and finding this problem out that I could have saved myself a lot of time and money in the future if I never want to but off online.

There is a lot of talk on Ebay about this problem and this just shows that the problem is massive.

"Everyone should stay away from sellers located in China and that includes Hong Kong. A lot of them are scammers. They are registered member for a year or two only, then they close their accounts. The quality of whatever they sell is always crap. Read their feedbacks, if some people say it took a month for the items to arrive or not received at all you should definitely not buy from them"

"It is never ideal to buy from Chinese sellers (especially those selling branded items) unless you know them or someone close to you recommend them to you. It is hard to verify suppliers with actual websites what more sellers who just sell on eBay, there's no way to do a background research of their reliability as a seller. ",or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43148975,d.d2k&fp=6cc8dd5df84cb69e&biw=1439&bih=744

Biglight interview.

Because of Asda are doing up the dot com service, Asda had planned to build a photography studio where I work at Asda Lymedale.

The management were happy for me to go to a interview with the third part creative agent called big light who had got the contact for this new service.

There was a photographers position going at the studio, and that's what I was going for, After having the details of the job and information about the company sent to me by a manager I send off my C.V.

At first I sent the C.V off and with in two hours of sending it they called me and ask for to go to a interview two days later.

I was very happy at this news because this would be making a step in the right direction for me setting a career in the industry.

After talking with my tutor about this possible new job he said the university would support me with giving me time to go and do this new job and still going to college at the night time, which was some more great news.

On the day of the interview I send in with some of my photography I did for the last project and some modelling studio work and some university work too , to show what I can do.

I felt the interview very well and they seem to be happy with what I was saying and doing with my photography and University.

Sadly I didn't get the job as the same photographer who was doing the job before for another company went for it and got it.

I feel I did everything I could in the interview and after the feedback I got back off my interview was that everything was great but I did not have any experience in product photography so thats why I didn't get it.

Sadly this is a common thing which is happening with young people getting to get jobs theses days, I am happy because I know there a lot more photography jobs out there, so I know one day I will get the experience and get the job I want.

"With so many young people struggling to find work if they don’t have any experience or qualifications, it can sometimes feel like nobody is willing to take a chance on you"

layout design for the Strategic plan.

After starting my plan I needed to find a layout design which I like and wanted to use for my plan. These images are from some research I did on different layout designs with the internet.

I like how the title or subtitles are bold and readable and stand out, I am going to use the method in my design as it will help me to break the plan down into different sections cleanly.

The colours I went for, for the design of the plan are the same as the George logo black, white  and yellow I have used the yellow for the key sections of the plan like price's.

I feel this suits the plan and make's it look professional but still looking user friendly without it looking to formal.

Strategic Plan ....... HELP !!!!!

After the talk I had with my tutor regarding my worries about the plan he sent me out this one to assess and look at for a idea of what the contents should look like, this was a massive help as I could see first hand what it was I wanted to done. After reading this everything came clear and I was able to start my plan.

Trying to understand a strategic plan.


After getting the modules I was worried about this strategic plan, because I had never done one before and that it sounded like a very important business document, and something I would find hard to understand and do.

After having a talk with the tutor about this problem he made it sound simple,and that I should break it down in to sections.

What I was hoping to do my strategic plan on was Asda where I work are using a creative agent for there photography, my plan was to propose  to them to set me on as there photographer for the product photography and I will do it for them, because of the money they will save.

Thought out my strategic plan I have gone off this image above, this has helped me as I can see where I need to go and how to sort the problem out.

Now- Asda using this third party company to do there photography for them.

How - I propose the plan to Asda for look what money they can save if I did it, not the third party company.

Where (Future)- Me doing the photography for Asda saving them a lot of money ( after the layout of money to set and buy the studio.)

"A good strategy will take into account existing barriers and resources (people, money, power, materials, etc.). It will also stay with the overall vision, mission, and objectives of the initiative. Often, an initiative will use many different strategies--providing information, enhancing support, removing barriers, providing resources, etc.--to achieve its goals."

Module info.

At the start of this year the modules we were given seem to be ones which would test me with my writing and essay skills as these module were based around report writing and essay.

It seem that we didn't have that much to do, for this deadline but the first impressions are not always the best.

We needed to write a plan for a company to we how we could improve it and the other assessment was to collect all the live work we have done and to assess it and write about how we have used leadership and management skills to get the job done.

Overall I am not to sure if I will enjoy doing these modules, because of the lack of doing things hands on, but I feel it will help me to see and understand the business side of photography and maybe make me think about things I would not normal thing about in a shoot.