
Thursday, 15 November 2012

Pecha Kucha Presentation.

These are screen shots of the presentation which I did to the group at the start of the year in September. The format which it was in was called Pecha Kucha, This format is 20x20, which means 20 sides in my presentation and each side needs to be 20 seconds long, which comes to 6 minutes and 20 seconds. At first I was worry about this format as I would be under pressure to get this right and to say what I needed to say with in the agreed time frame of 20 seconds, Because at the end of the days its going to be hard to talk about how you set a wedding up with-in 20 seconds, that why I did it over a number of sides.

I feel that the presentation went well I saw a few people in the group stalled and stop talking in there presentation, and this is something I didn't do and I am glad I didn't as I think I wouldn't have recovered the time back in the presentation.

My feelings on the presentation format is that its a good way of getting the main points across and its good how it keeps the audience with you and interested through the presentation, as other normal presentation can drag on and same boarding.

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